Dear SymfonyLab user,
We are happy to say that our community is quickly growing. Our site is not young we actually started to write about symfony and symfoniacs almost from the beginning of symfony era and since that time we keep informing symfony world about efficient using of this framework, publish own plugins, review symfony-driven sites. Our statistics says that in less than 2 years we’ve got strong and responsive community – great symfony developers who are reading and commenting our posts and vote for interesting symfony-related articles on corank service:
- more than 700 RSS subscribers
- more than 150 twitter followers
- more than 100 “google friend connect” users
- more than 50 symfony corank users
And at this point we think “where should we go now”? Would we add more community features or something that would add more value for our members? That’s where we really need your help, please leave response in comments so we can use that for our next planning. For instance, google friend connect is useful but it does not really allow users to communicate between each other, so probably it’s time to replace it with something else? If you still want to see here “google connect”, how exactly you use it?
Also we are planning to add “symfony plugins” review tool soon so everyone may write there comment and rate for existing symfony plugins. This way symfony plugins page wont be only source of information about plugins (right now it looks more like big storage with little information mostly only basic usage and installation).
We are really interested to hear what you’d like to see on this site in future.
Together we are stronger! 🙂