
Would I use Motilee?

Would I use Motilee? Well, maybe.. I’ll use it for sure in order to learn something new from its code. I bet it must be excellent sample of coding practices. Well, maybe not excellent but it’s always good to compare code written by the other experienced symfony developers with our own code. At least I was able to learn a few important tricks from sfSimpleCMS, sfSimpleBlog, sfSimpleForum. But along with sfSimpleCMS, sfSimpleBlog, sfSimpleForum I dont think I’ll be able to use Motilee for my projects.
There is no reason to use it as major forum platform because of there are formed leaders in this area. I dont think it will be able to fight somehow with phpBB, vBulletin, Vanilla, etc. Also there is no easy way to integrate it into own projects as it’s kinda stand-alone software (e.g. sfSimpleForum can be integrated but it’s quite overcomplicated as for me. The same I feel about sfSimpleCMS, sfSimpleBlog – yes they are fine and great but because of its complexicity it’s always more hard to customize them than simply write them from scratch).

So I’d like to bring here a thought.. maybe all of these sfSimple plugins should have simpler analogues. Just very simple bricks for bigger projects. Like sfPropelActAs plugins. I use them very often as they are really simple and can be integrated into everything I want and can be customized easily. So I give my vote for sfVerySimpleCMS and sfVerySimpleForum, etc. They must have an easy way to be integrated into layout of existing projects. Moreover I’m quite sure a lot of symfony developers already have such plugins but they are not sharing them maybe because of they think these plugins are too simple. Am I right?

As a sample I’d recommend the other plugin I cotributed somehow – sfSupportPlugin. This is what I called a brick for the bigger projects. I’m sure I’ll be able to use this helpdesk anywhere I need. There is no css or ajax but that’s not important for the brick. This can be customized later. It’s very-very important to have such plugins especially on prototyping stage – when you can go and in 1-2 hours get together all required plugins and have system ready for initial using.

So again in order to be undertood correctly – of course Motilee (oh and of course I forgot about Askeet) and sfSimpleCMS, sfSimpleBlog, sfSimpleForum plugins are great but there must be also sfSimplerAlernative 🙂

What ya think?

4 replies on “Would I use Motilee?”

Interesting thoughts and I can see where you’re coming from. A lot of these packaged functionality plugins suffer from both being too complex and too simple.

I love behavio(u)rs as well and have a couple lined up for release (just need the nod from the bosses!). The commentable behaviour is an excellent example of the sort of functionality I like – you can drop it on top of a model and it gives you a simple set of features, integrated well.

But there is a place for more complete module plugins. Writing a forum is something I’ve done in the past and have no wish to repeat – I prefer someone else to handle the spammers for me. To get a forum closely integrated with a symfony site you really want it written for symfony – I integrated bbPress and it was okay but sfSimpleForum is more seamless.

Hmm, I definitely do like what they’ve done with the sfSupportPlugin – a true “plugin” in the strictest sense.

The two “types” of plugins – the current simplePlugins and the proposed verySimplePlugins – really have 2 fundamentally different uses. The first is to be integrated into a larger project – the second is to function as a stand-along part. I do like the idea of verySimplePlugins – but my vote will always go for power.

As far as having them both, I say great. But who will step up to the plate to keep essentially two branched versions of the same plugin up to date?

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