
Symfony Live Presentation. Part 2

Here goes another round of presentations taken from Symfony Live 2010 Day 2. I’ve put them in order of importance for me and left some comments. So lets start..

Symfony 2.0 revealed by Fabien Potencier.

It’s surely the most important presentation on Symfony conference. Symfony’s father Fabien Potencier presents next major symfony release and uncover important details about it. From what I’ve seen Symfony 2 is becoming framework standard in php world. And along with symfony there is also bundled other great php libraries (they are optional for using but recommended) like Swift Mailer, Doctrine ORM, etc. One thing I’m concerned about – I did not see anything about Twig. So I’m going to view all the slides from conference once more but I really did not see any single mention about the template engine introduced by Fabien Potencier a while ago.

Symfony in the Cloud from Kris Wallsmith.

This presentation is not only for the ones who is interested in cloud servers. In general it describes in depth how to configure and use database layer in symfony. So if you use master/slave DB approach it’s worth to look into it (presentation contains lot of code samples). Author consider how he used it for his project.

Debugging and Profiling Symfony Apps by Alvaro Videla

It’s another one hot presentation – how to debug, log and visualize this data for big projects. Author goes through available symfony classes which can be used for these purposes and external tools like XHProf and Tsung, Graphite. Surely, if you are not familiar with this stuff yet this is going to be useful for you even if you are working on small project.

OkAPI meet symfony, symfony meet OkAPI by Lucas

OkAPI is definitely something new to me. It looks like php framework which decided to use symfony components instead of writing own ones. So it can be interesting if you are still looking for “better” framework.

Using Zend Framework with Symfony from Matthew Weier O’Phinney

I’ve never thought that Zend Framework and Symfony are really competing. And this presentation proves that. It shows the way how to use the best Zend classes in Symfony, e.g. Zend_Gdata or Zend_Service_Amazon – they don’t have quality analogue in symfony plugins – therefore it makes sense to build Zend classes into symfony project. The presentation provides also other points for interactions between these 2 frameworks so I believe it’ll be interesting for both symfony and zend developers.

Building A Platform From Open Source At Yahoo by Dustin Whittle

I guess this presentation did not bring something really new. In general it’s the same as was already introduced on Symfony Live 2009. So if you did not hear about ysymfony (Yahoo Symfony) yet – go and watch it. There is mentioned usage of YQL so if you did not try it yet – good chance to look how it works.

There were also non-symfony related presentations which obviously worth to mention as they are interesting.

PHP Performance

Git 101 Presentation

So guys, Symfony 2010 Live conference is over and next year will go under sign of Symfony 2. Hopefully since that release this framework will be evolving bit slower (or rather smoother) as at this point it’s still complicated to decided which version to use (keeping in mind that it should be upgraded soon).

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