Eventually, when Doctrine is officially selected as default ORM for symfony 1.3 we’ve decided that it’s time to use Doctrine. We knew all Doctrine’s advantages before but we used Propel from the very beginning of symfony and it’s actually sad to understand that Propel lost this war.
The biggest reason why it’s not fun to stop using Propel – most of Symfony plugins are written for Propel not for Doctrine. It was great to figure out that new Doctrine supports extensions (and there 5 extensions ready):
But it’s obviously too small for the quick start. We are planning to start migrating of our most popular plugins to Doctrine though. Let it be one more brick into the great wall 🙂
Ok, so Doctrine…
6 replies on “Ok, so Doctrine..”
Love to hear that 😀
We have been using Doctrine since the beginning at sixgroups.com (~2.5 years). It has, even it in its early beta stages (0.1 branch) proven to be reliable, fast and fun to code!
It was exactly what I was wondering for my personnal projects 🙂
Well, Propel has not really lost.
I suppose the choice of changing ORM was done when Propel was supposed to be dead, which is not true (any more).
We can hope that Propel will grow fast and fill the gap with Doctrine.
Meanwhile, it’s not bad to get used with Doctrine: I did for a project of mine, and I have to say that it’s not so difficult.
Don’t be so quick to knock down Propel.
It just got its second life.
1.4 is coming with some great enhancements:
* http://propel.phpdb.org/trac/wiki/Users/Documentation/1.4/WhatsNew
* http://propel.phpdb.org/trac/wiki/Users/Documentation/1.4/Behaviors
And I’m sure there is more we can expecting at.
The most significant argument why I vote for Doctrine is performance. In general both Propel and Doctrine have a lot in common but until Doctrine is faster I guess there will be always more votes for it.
This announcement of switching the default ORM was icing on the cake for me, after 30% through a major project, and re-write of an application using Propel. I stopped the project why I tried to learn Doctorine and found I didn’t really like it, when compared to Propel.