I’m wondering if there are available admin themes somewhere. It’s really strange but simple googling and search on symfony forum does not give me anything new.
What I knew before is good Joomla-like theme available here (this one is easy to use and integrate):
also there is available plugin based on ExtJs but it seems in early development (and it’s pretty slow at least when I tested it out):
There is also plugin which provide distinct configurations between create and edit actions:
And that’s all? I bet there must be guys who has own themes ( themesholders 😉 )
Why I’m started to talk about all this stuff. I found today in my RSSs this link and thought how good it would be if someone integrates such theme for symfony:
Maybe someday me..
8 replies on “Backend generator theme”
I am writing my blog with symfony again. I tried somethig but not easy to use.
I embed the jquery markitup [1] editor to textareas. But you have write some javascript and css for all your texareas. It is not a good idea. It’s not finish yet, and i don’t have enough time for it. So, if i figure it out how to handle all dirty job with automaticly, i want to share this theme.
Here, two screenshot:
[1] http://markitup.jaysalvat.com/home/
Looks pretty cool. Especially thanks for sharing a link to markitup jQuery plugin!
Symfony is the best!
I have started NEW life with this perfect framework!
We build up a generator on our own, so we didn’t create a backend theme but something similiar:
However, since symfony 1.1 is coming out soon we would have to rewrite a lot of code. Instead, we’ll use Adobe Flex to create the backend application of course symfony as interface).
Hi there, I am the writer/maintainer of the sfExtjsThemePlugin and at the moment it is getting more and more mature and usable (although not finished)
I don’t think there should be any performance differences between this theme and the default. Of course all javascript will be harder for the client-sided-rendering (especially with firebug on) but for the server side it can be even lighter since a lot of content is provided in json-format. The json-result doesn’t require any templates but can directly be send from the action.class.php of your module. (In the past this wasn’t the case).
So maybe it now is a good time to take a new look at the plugin 😉
A demo can be found here:
http://tejohnston.dynora.eu (login with admin admin)
[…] I didn’t find anything. Searching a bit more I came across a blog post on SymfonyLab (http://www.symfonylab.com/backend-generator-theme/) asking about themes. In the post the author pointed an joomla like theme […]
a rather old theme, but to my BIG surprise and dissapoitment, nothing new really is going on in this field. Well, maybe the admin generator has gotten a bit more advanced, but there is still a lot of room for loads of features I am searching for.
Actually I’d love to see the whole opensource CMS based on symfony. I’m quite surprised I haven’t found one just yet!
I’d recommend you to take a look on this:
I already wrote about it in another post, so I guess you probably already saw that. I guess it’s worth your attention.