symfony tv

The Presentations From Recent Symfony2 Live Conference

So symfony2 conference is over and here are some presentations from there. While we’ve heard some upset feedbacks from listeners, slideshows show that in fact some great and cool features are coming to symfony, Doctrine and Propel . I’d say that now it’s even more completed to choose between these ORMs.

“Symfony2 and Doctrine2 Integration” by Jonathan Wage

As for me, the most amazing new feature is support for MongoDB via DoctrineMongoDBBundle. Btw, we want to mention that on our sponsors blog there were published article about using Doctrine and MongoDB by J. Wage

Another cool presentations were about symfony2 by Fabien Potencier – caching features “Caching on the Edge with Symfony2”:

and symfony2 extra features “News of the Symfony2 World”:

Both caching and new features look cool but on the other hand there are so much new.. When I’ll have a chance to try all of that?? 🙂

More presentations are coming..