It’s more like question than post though.
So we considere the possible options to distribute the project easily. Never had about any kind of installer for symfony project or any kind of installation process.
Moreover as it turned out freezing is not the case starting 1.1.x branch as it mentioned here:
The good is that there is provided a workaround in that article.
The goal actually is to allow visitors to download zip from site and easily install it on their server like it works for the other well known software like WP or Joomla.
Unfortunately there is noting helpfull on symfony forum:
however these posts raisen the other interesting thing – how to lock descributing application (crypt or use license number or so).
Interesting anyone had such experience? Please leave us a comment brothers and sisters 🙂
10 replies on “Distributing symfony project”
I think you can not compare a symfony application with joomla or wordpress, because much more effort needs to go into installing a symfony application (because most of it lives outside of the document root, for instance).
I think license numbers don’t work well with PHP applications at all because you don’t really compile your code, so people can see the source and alter it. Crypting may work, but I’ve never tried it with symfony apps.
Well I believe some combination of FREEZE-like stuff and INSTALLION script which would replace values in databases.yml can be a solution?
Well, no need to freeze if you just use the approach I specified in the blogpost you linked. Have symfony embedded in lib/vendor/symfony. That’s your “freeze” alternative. By the way, this is not a freeze workaround, it’s actually the recommended approach these days AFAIK.
You could indeed write an installation script with symfony tasks, which would open and write the configuration files and configure it with the right database credentials and such. Not a bad idea. That should work.
What about php archives : (Phar) http://uk.php.net/manual/en/intro.phar.php
They would be a good/standard way to distribute a project.
Interesting point! But how would phar approach work from end-user point? I guess they would have to install this package from command line this or that way which is not the case for non-techie users? Or there is any kind of web interface which may simplify this procedure?
I ‘installed’ Symfony in a separate directory on my server, and have made slight modifications to each project to point to that location. That way I only have 1 copy of Sf on the server (quicker upgrading) and I don’t need to do any messing with freezing (which doesn’t work well IMO).
Sorry not sure I understand your point. I believe sf is always shared between different symfony projects on same server. Also it’s more about “how to start distributing symfony-driven projecs for non-techie users (like how to allow them download your symfony app and quickly/easily install it)”.
I wrote a Symfony application more than one year ago. I provided a PHP installer. The user filled a form, with several settings (name, database settings…) and my script wrote settings in YML and PHP files.
It worked a few times but it was hard to maintain, to keep it up to date. So I finally decided in my last application to NOT provide any installer, but I wrote a complete README file which is describing the process.
Hi, i have a little problem in order to deploy a symfony project because of the requirements of my enviroment. I need to publish my symfony project over a server with just one IP (no DNS) and Port that cannot be changed and those resources will be share for several sites so i want to be able to access my symfony apps like this http://184.676.647.67:8081/mysymfonypro/admin.php.
I’d tried v-hosts, alias and/or htaccess configurations…
It’s posible?
[…] This is not only web-site though but also symfony 1.0.x driven project available for downloading. Does not look like project is actively evolving, last posts in blog is dated by this summer (there was mentioned that 2nd version is planning which would work with symfony 1.2). But even though it’s pretty much ready for using. So basically it’s great source for self-learning. The project is sharing as bundled with whole symfony framework and there is detailed instruction about installation. Of course installation itself is not user-friendly (and comments at the bottom just proves that. It’s not symfony problem but pretty major problem of developing some kind of 3rd party tool which would simplify running of symfony driven projects for end-users. We already wrote about this problem some time ago). […]