
Symfony Conference most interesting slides / ideas

So as we’ve promised here goes more slides for online viewing:

1. Symfony 2 by Fabien Potencier

It’s long one but contains great information “where will be moving symfony in next 1-2 years”.
Frankly, I’m a bit confused b/c I feel that symfony 2 wont be compatible with 1.x branch. I did not hear that but I dont think after all these major changes compatibility is still possible.

2. Sympal – The flexible Symfony CMS by Jonathan H. Wage

We’ve already heard about sympal (i read about it in twitter from goyello’s guy) and had a quick look into that but I never thought I’d be interested to use one more self-written CMS. I must say I was wrong. After I’ve seen these slides I understood a few things. First of all Sympal contains whole bunch of new plugins sfSympalXXX which can be used separately in own projects. Also it’s really more like Drupal than like WordPress or Joomla 🙂
Sympal is good source for anyone who is planning to use YUI in his symfony projects. Also it’s simply good source for anyone who want to improve his symfony skills (I wont recommend it for beginners).

What I dont like is “slots” (it’s not sympal problem/idea though). Not sure maybe I just did not see good slots realization but I really preffer Joomla’s way of publishing/ordering modules.

3. What’s New In Doctrine by Jonathan H. Wage

What is really clear from these slides – everything is much simpler and better in Doctrine 2.
So I understood – it’s time to start using doctrine instead of propel 🙁
Sorry Propel I loved you sooo much. You were great and I’ll be missing you but you were really slow sometimes and needed to much server memory 🙂

Did we miss any interesting slides from conference? Yes we did.. there were lot of them in French and unfortunately we dont speak French (we wish we can). Hopefully someone provides us English versions so we can review them as well. Would be really great.

Have a great weekend symfonians!

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